folie à deux
Vanessa Porter – percussion
folie à deux describes a mental disorder in which a generally healthy person adopts the schizophrenia of a close psychosis sufferer, eventually sharing the same delusion and, over time, uncorrectably reinforce each other in this belief. Vanessa Porter has developed a concept that depicts the emotions of those affected through music, improvisation and sound installations, in order to draw more attention to this still very unknown disease.
Song: Folie / Vanessa Porter
- Szene 1 / Vanessa Porter
- Appendice alle perfezione / Salvatore Sciarrino
- Szene 2 / Vanessa Porter
- The Anvil Chorus / David Lang
- Szene 3 / Vanessa Porter
- The messenger / Georges Aperghis
- Shapes / Emil Kuyumcuyan
- Szene 5 / Vanessa Porter
- Side by Side / Michio Kitazume
- À Deux / Alexander Sandi Kuhn